Manufacturing, retail and services

Manufacturing, retail and services

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The conditions for manufacturing, retail, and services in Norway are changing constantly. Increasing globalisation, international competition, technological developments, and changing consumer patterns and framework conditions affect the industry.

We have extensive experience helping inventors, manufacturers, distributors, and sales departments with legal matters. Our lawyers specialise in different disciplines and industries and keep up to date on new changes and challenges.

At Bull, we have expertise within areas such as oil, hydrogen production, renewable energy, retail, grocery trade, technology, and transport. We often assemble interdisciplinary teams with specialists from relevant areas, led by an experienced partner. This ensures both high quality work and cost efficiency at all levels.

We can assist with:

  • Negotiations and contract entry
  • Shipping contracts
  • Securing claims (arrests, warranties)
  • Insurance
  • Concessions and licenses
  • Liability analysis
  • Assessment and follow-up of compensation claims
  • Dispute resolution and litigation
  • Company law and transactions
  • Competition law
  • Trademark, design, and marketing

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