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Renewable energy is a rapidly growing industry, while traditional forms of energy, such as oil and gas, will be part of the energy supply picture for a long time. Our lawyers provide legal assistance in both areas.

The conditions for and regulation of polluting industries continue to tighten. In contrast, new business opportunities to develop renewable energy flourish. Society and companies encounter complex issues in terms of the type of energy we build our future with and how we integrate energy consumption and the environmental concerns.

Legal assistance in energy and environmental law requires solid industry knowledge. At Bull, we have extensive experience from the energy industry and assist customers in renewable technology, recycling, oil and gas, and the environment.

We can assist with:

  • Contract and negotiation support
  • Transaction advice
  • Supplier cooperation
  • Waste and waste disposal sites
  • Planning and building
  • Protection and use of intellectual property rights
  • Pollution law
  • Energy law
  • Environmental law
  • Licensing law
  • Petroleum law
  • Public procurement
  • Dispute resolution

Do you need legal assistance with energy?