Auditing and accounting

Auditing and accounting

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Legal assistance and support will help you to gain control of your business' accounting and keep up with applicable laws and standards.

At Bull, we focus on advisory to the auditing and accounting industry and to finance and asset management consultants.

Interdisciplinary expertise provides optimal and cost-effective results, and we focus on assembling the perfect team early in a project.

Our lawyers assist with preparation of legal opinions and contracts, regulatory issues, relationships with public authorities, tax control, tax audits, handling complaints, and dispute resolution.

We can assist with:

  • Tax, VAT and other special taxes
  • Tax agreements
  • Surtax
  • The Auditors Act and auditing standards (ISA, ISRE, ISRS, and ISQC 1)
  • The Accountants Act and standards (GRFS)
  • The Accounting Act and standards (NRS and IFRS)
  • The Posting Act
  • Agreements and other documentation, including attestation
  • Matters related to public authorities, including the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway
  • Assignment agreements
  • Money laundering
  • Professional liability
  • Board liability
  • Insurance schemes

Do you need legal assistance with auditing and accounting?