Trademark registration

Trademark registration

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We help you secure exclusive rights to your trademark and protect it against misuse.

A trademark identifies your goods or services. It can be for example a word or a slogan, a figurative mark, a three-dimensional mark, or a combination of text and figure. When you register your trademark, you get the exclusive right to use it.

We are one of Norways' leading law firms within trademark law. We can help register your trademark and choose which goods or service categories to include in the registration. In addition, we have a user-friendly system that allows you to easily log in and get an overview of your trademarks and applications.

Apply for trademark registration

Get in touch if you want to register your trademark. We can help you fill out the application and send it to the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO). Once a trademark is registered, the protection lasts for ten years. We will notify you of the need to renew in a timely manner.

Price list:

  • Norway: 9 000 NOK
  • EU: 18 500 NOK
  • Sweden: 12 000 NOK
  • Denmark: 13 050 NOK
  • other countries: upon request

The price list includes fees to NIPO and Bull's work in filling out the form. The price encompasses up to three goods or service categories and are based on a registration process void of complications. We can also help you with complaint or protest processes, but this is not included in the price listed above.

Contact us about trademark registration