Data protection officer

Data protection officer

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Let the experts take on the responsibility for data protection and privacy for your company.

Private and public entities that gather personal data should have one or more persons in charge of data protection and privacy matters. In some instances, companies are obligated to designate a Data protection officer. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) permits outsourcing of this position, and Bull offers it as a service.

By outsourcing the job, you avoid investing time and money in educating an internal resource to become a privacy expert. The Data protection officer will, at all times, be updated on the regulations. In addition, the arrangement ensures that the Data protection officer meets the independency standard required by GDPR.

We can help you with:

  • assessing your Data protection officer need
  • information about legal requirements
  • controlling and documenting GDPR compliance
  • advice regarding consequences and risks to privacy matters for various types of processing
  • establishment and maintenance of necessary internal procedures
  • advice in case of privacy breaches and enquiries from data subjects
  • collaboration with and handling of potential contact with the Norwegian Data Protection Authority

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