Lawyer as a service

Lawyer as a service

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Lawyer as a Service (LaaS) makes it easier to buy legal services and makes the delivery and cost more predictable.

LaaS is much like a subscription. The costs and the scope of work are decided jointly by the lawyer and the client before any work begins. As a client, you get access to a dedicated team that knows the business and has the necessary competence.


The content of the service is shaped by your needs as a client during a specific period – usually for the upcoming three to six months. The team will consist of lawyers whose competence, experience, and industry knowledge match your company.

The team will be led by a partner who knows your company, and we invest the time needed to understand the organisation before we start. The service may include deployment of a lawyer, for instance once a week or one week out of the month. We also offer a hotline, where our team is on standby to answer your questions throughout the period.

Legal health check

The first step is a "legal health check" of the company. We analyse the need for legal assistance over the next three, six, or twelve months based on the firm and its further plans.

Furthermore, based on a risk analysis and potential challenges in the given period, we will propose specific actions, tasks, and a delivery schedule. This will secure commercial value and predictability and contributes to reduced risk and costs over time. Your Board or management can then decide which tasks to move forward with and when to proceed.

The actions we agree on will be included in an action plan, which Bull is responsible for. When you decide which actions to move forward with, the payment method will be agreed upon. This may be a fixed price for the job or a monthly fee. We can provide you with a fixed price before we begin the job or work on an hourly basis.

Your legal department

In collaboration with the company and based on the health check, we define the need for legal services. This may vary over time, from access to an attorney one hour a week to assistance from several attorneys full-time. The same is true for expertise. During one period, you might need assistance on employment law, while other periods require IT contract expertise or transactional advice.

Predictable costs

With LaaS, legal costs can easily be budgeted in advance. The service comprises of a fixed price, which is invoiced in equal monthly installments during the given period. If other tasks become necessary during the period, we will invoice this separately based on the agreed-upon hourly rate. Court cases are normally not included in the service, since these assignments can be unpredictable based on the opposing party's actions.

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