Our culture

Our culture

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Respect, engagement, courage and generosity. The culture at Bull is shaped by these core values every day. They guide us through our work, decision-making and human interactions.


At Bull, we will respect each other as colleagues and partners, and as humans – regardless of status, role, background, or culture. There is a space for opinions, discussions, and laughter. Our workplace is a great place to be, and we like that our working environment is informal, jolly, and unpretentious.


Meanwhile, we will aim to bring out the very best in ourselves to develop the firm, each other and our services. We are curious, give each other constructive feedback and are engaged in each other, our clients and our tasks. We aim to deliver quality from beginning to end for all of our clients, no matter how large or small the case is.


We are entrepreneurs by heart; we are open to changes, challenge the status quo and move at a rapid speed when needed. These characteristics have been a part of us since 1864 and are still present. We make viable decisions in the short and long term, and we have the courage to speak up when it benefits the firm. We put our pride aside and admit when doing wrong. In this way, we can learn, evolve and constantly improve.


Our co-workers and clients are our team players. We work together to find the uppermost solutions and gain the best results. At Bull, we argenerous and share unsolicited of our knowledge and experiences with each other.