Equality and diversity

Equality and diversity

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Bull is committed to ensuring an equitable, inclusive and socially just environment for all of our co-workers. That commitment requires a gender balance, age difference across roles, and bringing together employees that reflect the diversity of our society. We believe we are at the forefront of diversity in our industry, which improves our services and strengthens our culture.

At Bull, we will recruit co-workers and create a culture that balance gender, age, and background. We listen to each other and respect different perspectives and views. We seek to understand before we act. We will speak up when we experience unpleasantness and discrimination based on religion, beliefs, ethnicity, gender, marital status, age, political opinions, and more.

Equity, inclusion, and diversity are always on our agenda. We are committed to:

increasing the presence of female attorneys in the leadership by 40 per cent

We have established a Partner Recruitment Committee and an assessment tool that contributes to reaching our goal on female presence in the leadership team. By the end of 2023, 45 out of 86 co-workers were women (52 per cent), and 41 were men (48 per cent). Amongst the partners, 30 per cent were women.

analysing the age gap in the firm

By using the same assessment tool as the Partner Recruitment Committee, we analyse the age gap in the firm. Among other things, we no longer include age information in our external communication in partner recruitment.

conducting insights on diversity

We do this to increase our knowledge on inclusion and integration and how we can attract more candidates with other cultural backgrounds, ethnicity or non-Norwegian legal backgrounds.

mapping internal salary levels

We regularly map the salary levels on the different roles and employee levels to secure an open and gender-neutral salary and promotion structure.

speaking publicly about diversity, equity, and inclusion.

In 2021, we launched «No Bull§hit», an honest podcast about equity, inclusion, and diversity in the industry. Furthermore, we actively participate in the industry debate about diversity in niche outlets such as Advokatbladet and Rett24.

An honest podcast about equality and diversity, explored from various perspectives

Null bullshit logo

The legal industry in general, expectations and the evolving role of lawyers, innovation and AI, performance psychology and resilience.